We understand worship to be a lifestyle, integrating God into every aspect of our lives. Scripture tells us that when we offer our lives to God for His purpose, we’re actually participating in a special spiritual act of worship.
Our weekend services provide a special time for people to connect with Jesus through an engaging time of worship. We strive to offer a relevant setting for those seeking to experience God and to live more like Christ.
Since we live in a diverse community, we offer both a modern style and classic style of worship. While the services differ in style, the focus remains the same. Each service includes singing songs of praise to God, a relevant message from God’s Word as well as a communion service where we remember His perfect sacrifice.
10:30 Modern Worship
This service primarily features modern worship songs accompanied by a praise band and worship team. This service meets in the worship center.
9:00 Traditional Worship
This service features familiar hymns and select choruses accompanied by piano and organ. This service meets in the chapel.