Like the Acts 2 church, we at HCC believe in the importance of sharing life together. So, we highly encourage you to join one of our several D-Groups. (The “D” stands for “Discipleship.”) In our d-groups, people at all different stages of their spiritual journey grow together in Christian fellowship as we spend quality time together, minister to one another, pray for each other, and serve together in our community.

Sunday Morning On Campus D-Groups

Young Adult D-Group

Men’s D-Groups

Women’s D-Groups

Coming January 7 & 8, 2025!

Registration is now open!

This group is FREE, and you will receive a study guide.

Registration is now open!

This group is FREE, and you will receive a study guide.

New Study!

We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 5644 Hillcoat Dr. Renee Pelc will be starting a new book, "Frappe with Philippians" in January. This will be a study of the New Testament book Philippians. Buying a book is OPTIONAL, however, if you would like a book, the cost is only $5. They retail for $11 on Amazon. Please see Dawn or order when you register.