Worship Service Times
9:00a TRADITIONAL service In the Chapel
10:30a MODERN service in the Worship Center
Choose Either of the 2 Entrances
The South entrance is located closest to the Worship Center and Children’s Check-In Station
The East entrance is located closest to the Chapel and is more accessible from the main parking lot.
Guest Services
Stop at the Guest Services desk located in the main lobby if you have any questions and to pick up a FREE gift if this is your first time with us.
During the Modern Worship Service (10:30a)
We have a full band leading us in worship.
We preach directly from the Bible.
We offer a time to respond to what you heard or experienced.
As part of our times of response: Communion is available at stations around the room; You may give an offering in one of the boxes located on the walls near the exit doors; Our elders will be available during a response song toward the end of the service if you would like to talk about your relationship with Jesus, would like to be immersed, or need prayer.
During the Traditional Worship Service (9:00a)
We are led in worship by a song leader and piano and organ using traditional hymns and some choruses
We preach directly from the Bible.
We offer a time to respond to what you heard or experienced.
As part of our times of response: Communion will be served to you - simply take a cup of bread and a cup of juice from the tray and partake when you’re ready; You may give an offering in the box located on the wall near the exit doors; Our elders will be available during a response song toward the end of the service if you would like to talk about your relationship with Jesus, would like to be immersed, or need prayer.