Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:6 reminds us that everything should be done through prayer and petition. We are to be thankful and present ourselves to God. When the Bible tells us that everything should be prayed over, it is not at all unclear. As humans, our natural tendency is to be self-reliant and to believe that we are the ones in control of our destiny. If that were the case and we were capable of fixing all of our own problems, our lives would seem significantly easier than they actually are. We must remember first to go to God in prayer and submit our requests for his hand and his will in all situations that we encounter on a daily basis. Daily may not even be enough as we know that many situations arise that need prayer minute by minute, and yet we continue to focus on our will and ourselves as a source of resolution.
This scripture also reminds us that we are to present our requests with thanksgiving. We need to be reminded that there is always something to be thankful for and our God is awesome and pours out his blessings on us daily, yet we often don’t reflect on the greatness of God’s influence on our lives.
Prayer For Day 2: Let’s pray that we will become better at opening the communication and dialogue with God more regularly and focus on growing in our appreciation and thanksgiving for the many blessings that he has and will continue to pour out on our lives.